SkyLines PPK Aeropos Software

SkyLines PPK Aeropos Software

The Advantage of 

Skylines Software

By using this powerful tool, drone users can obtain highly accurate POS (Positioning & Orientation System) data at centimeter level via post processing and may be independent of ground control points for further adjustment in aerial triangulation.

Main Features


• Both WGS84 and local coordinate system are supported

• Applicable for DJI Phantom4RTK or other drone equipped with RTK/PPK module

• Applicable for Kolida GNSS and other brands GNSS receivers.

• Allows to import maximum 10 hours observation data in 5Hz.

• Supports processing multi-flights data.

• POS result file can be directly applied to various types of aerial photogrammetry data processing software, such as Pix4D, Skyphoto...

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