WorldView-2 Satellite Sensor (0.46m)

now available at (iraq surveying) company

DigitalGlobe's WorldView-2 satellite sensor, launched October 8, 2009, provides 0.46m panchromatic (B&W) mono and stereo satellite image data. Watch video of WorldView-2 satellite launch.

The WorldView-2 sensor provides a high resolution panchromatic band and eight (8) multispectral bands; four (4) standard colors (red, green, blue, and near-infrared 1) and four (4) new bands (coastal, yellow, red edge, and near-infrared 2), full-color images for enhanced spectral analysis, mapping and monitoring applications, land-use planning, disaster relief, exploration, defense and intelligence, and visualization and simulation environments.

With its improved agility, WorldView-2 is able to act like a paintbrush, sweeping back and forth to collect very large areas of multispectral imagery in a single pass. WorldView-2 alone is able to collect nearly 1 million km2 every day, doubling the collection capacity of our constellation to nearly 2 million km2 per day. The combination of WorldView-2’s increased agility and high altitude enables it to typically revisit any place on earth in 1.1 days, revisit time drops below one day and never exceeds two days, providing the most same-day passes of any commercial high resolution satellite.

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